Mar 13, 2022

BTTY #6 - Why do we have egos?


f I could check my ego at the door. I would be happier and so would everyone else :)

“I've given some thought to ego over the years, mine in particular. And I had this idea that if I could check my ego at the door, everyone around me will be happier. Now that's obviously easier said than done. And this morning I was thinking, why do egos exist? Why do we have them? Why are they part of our psyche?

Are they there to protect us, to shield us, to show up when evil occurs? But then we use it in our everyday lives. And for me, at least when I let my ego creep in, it prevents me from showing up in the way that my humans need me to show up.

It prevents patience.

It prevents understanding.

It prevents really being present.

And I'm trying to work through that. I'm trying to work through how do I stand in a river and just let the water flow around me?

We spend so much time worrying about what people do and say as it relates to us. We worry about what they think, and frankly, half the time they're not. They're just trying to live their lives. And maybe if we could just assume positive intent and believe that most of what's happening in the world is good. And care a little bit less about how it impacts your ego or your own self-perception, maybe we could all just enjoy it a little bit more.

I don't know. I don't have this code cracked. My family would absolutely tell you that. But I think it's worth some serious self-reflection.

How do we leave our go back down a trail? It doesn't have…no need in our life. No need. Zero. Just going to get my way. It's just going to get my way.

That's what I'm thinking.

Take care out there.”

When ego comes, everything else goes. When ego goes, everything else comes.

—From Unposted Letter by Mahatria Ra

A Moment

We have these rules when we travel, one of them has to do with behaving like a dog. More of that another time. Remembering this little fella, on this little hill, on this little island finding a little piece of sunshine. May you find moments this week that bring you the kind of contentment he found. Take care out there.

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